Friday, 15 October 2010

who inspires you ?

Fashion and Media Students @ Lfw. GEEK CHIC -L.O.V.E the mustard cardie and the two-tone satchel!!! a/w bring on the knee high socks!!

( sincere apologies ladies. i have a tendancy to loose things and lost the slip of paper with your names so drop me a msg and i'll edit this to something more appropriate than assistant and student)

Simone de Beauvoir, Anna Julia Cooper, Langston Hughes : Feminists.
Edgar Degas, John Singer Sargent, Rene Margritte: Artists.
When it comes to art and literature i can easily say the people who inspire me. Their work, i find to be thought provoking and sometimes unable to be put into words. There are no limitations. When it comes to fashion however, i am able to name designers, a bag i must have, the colour pallet for my wardrobe this season...but there is one question that always leaves me wondering...who inspires me?

I am unable to respond straight away. I don't have a celebrity or a designer that screams 'style inspiration' and that is why my style fluctuates depending on my mood or most probably what i find to be comfortable at the time. It isn't i'm afraid Alexa Chung or Grace Kelly who would be my ideal icons but more towards everyday people i meet in the street, coffee shops, art galleries,bloggers, lookbook users whose style leave me breathless, star struck and intrigued ( just like a painting or a novel).

On my recent travels i'm always meeting people who i stop and stare at. Sometimes this leads to a) starring so hard that it comes across as a dirty look leading to the person i'm oogling at saying ' what is she looking at?' ... or b) people thinking that there is something slightly wrong with me leaning more towards i've been let out for the day from my psyche ward. The way they put they outfits together effortlessly and not caring what others my think is what i admire the most. In ever have my camera on me (tut tut) or a business card (tut tut again -note to self get some made asap) and have to rely on iphone/blackberry/ scrap pieces of paper and eyeliner as a pen to exchange details. Embarassing i know but i will be more organised at some stage.

These ladies bring an edgyness to their style and look fierce! So this autumn i'm going for a style transformation. I'm looking to cut and dye my hair ...and add a full fringe! arrrgh not as bright as the blonde -though i'd love it, i might if i'm brave enough recreate that look in the summer when i jet to L.A. and MIAMI with the ladies. In the mean time i'm leaning more towards the red. Just watch this space!!

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